
Mont Alto Class of 58 Members

Class of ’58 provides $102,669 Open Doors Scholarship

Twelve members of the Forestry Class of 1958 recently celebrated their 60th reunion at the Mont Alto campus. Besides reconnecting with each other and the campus, their time together also resulted in a group gift of $34,233 that, thanks to a University match, transformed into a $102,669 Open Doors Scholarship to support Mont Alto students who are facing financial hardships and are at risk of not completing their degrees.

Board OKs $13 million allied health building project at Penn State Mont Alto

In an effort to provide state-of-the-art facilities and accommodate future growth in the signature Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant and Occupational Therapy Assistant programs at Penn State Mont Alto, the University’s Board of Trustees today (Nov. 9) approved Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland, as the architect for a new allied health building project.
Linda Thomas Worthy

Penn State Mont Alto announces Advisory Board members

Tiffany L. Bloyer, Robin H. Harmon and Linda L. Thomas Worthy will take their place as new members of the Penn State Mont Alto's Advisory Board this year. Comprised of alumni, friends and corporate leaders, the Penn State Mont Alto Advisory Board is a key link between the campus and its surrounding communities. Board members not only serve as ambassadors for the campus and the University but also as a conduit for community feedback regarding campus programs and activities.
Kathryn Miner and the Penn State Mont Alto Chorale

Penn State Mont Alto's 23rd Annual Scholarship Social

On Oct. 19, Penn State Mont Alto’s 23rd annual Scholarship Social brought 140 donors and scholarship recipients together for a celebration that included good food, inspiring words of gratitude, and the musical sounds of the Mont Alto Chorale.